In certain cultures and traditions, snake venom is thought to have healing properties. “We have to re-evaluate who we want to be.”Īlso, interestingly, it’s not always a bad omen when a snake bites you, Bowman points out. It’s important to have a mental reset, especially during the pandemic, when we’re forced to slow down, says Bowman. This can be a good sign for a new job or a new relationship, or for a sense of relief and healing after getting out of a relationship, she adds.
“If it’s not biting you, a snake represents rebirth and renewal-snakes shed their skin and then they’re renewed,” Bowman says. But it’s not necessarily a sign of evil entering your inner circle. The negative stereotypes almost always associated with snakes persist from biblical references, Bowman notes (thanks a lot, Eve). Is there any positive meaning of a snake dream? This isn’t to make you paranoid, Bowman says, but to make you aware of your surroundings. It’s especially important to stay on guard in workplace settings, as not everyone there is going to always have your best interest in mind. “Look at your inner circle and at whom you can trust,” Bowman says. On the other hand, if it’s happening repeatedly, there could be something more going on. If the snake dream is just a one-time thing, it’s just a tiny red flag of something going on in your life and probably nothing major to worry about, says Bowman. Play icon The triangle icon that indicates to play Eek, what if I’m having recurring dreams about snakes? Dreaming about snakes might even be connected to your breathing or lungs, and stress associated with it, which is not such a stretch during a global respiratory pandemic and reckoning over racial injustice. During this quarantine period, anxieties about health (and work, and politics, and relationships) are completely normal. Ultimately, these types of dreams represent our fears coming to light, Bowman points out.
You could be going through a series of changes, which is totally normal and not a negative thing, but this is just a call to pay attention to your own life choices and how they’re affecting you. Sometimes the snake “bite” could be self-inflicted, Bowman points out. But if your dream includes a rattlesnake or any other kind of deadly snake, do not leave your bed without evaluating what TF is going on in your waking life. So for instance, if it’s a garter snake, it could signify something fairly harmless going on, she says. The size and type of the snake could indicate the size of the issue at hand, Bowman adds. Basically, it’s a sign to listen to your gut instincts. “Snakes are low to the ground and what they do is hidden, so if you’re not looking, you might miss it,” Bowman says. (Color me surprised that my cheating ex is appearing in the form of a snake). Specifically, you might have some betrayal or infidelity on your hands. In a situation where the snake is chasing you or biting you in your dream, this is a warning to be aware of your surroundings, Bowman says. Discover all the possible explanations as to why you might be having snake dreams. Regardless of what exactly is going on, this isn’t a dream you’re supposed to forget about. And, those hiking first dates you’ve been going on may also have something to do it. “Generally, when you’re dreaming of animals or nature that’s typically because you’re going through some kind of cycle of transformation,” Bowman says. The snake bite or apparition could be a wake-up call about something in your life that’s been slipping from your attention, or it could be a sign that you’re going to be “shedding a layer of skin” in some aspect of your life (which, we could all use a rebirth after 2020). Most likely, this is your subconscious sending you a message that a person or situation you’re involved with is, well, pretty toxic, says certified psychic medium and dream analyst Nicole Bowman, an advisor by the name of Live the Light on.

Well, if you’re dreaming of snakes, (*especially* getting bit by one) and you wake up thinking, “this has to be about my ex ~slithering~ into my DMs during quarantine,” you’re not wrong. Maybe you’re here specifically because you’re having a recurring nightmare where you’re face to face with a boa constrictor, and wondering what that could mean.

If quarantine is supplying you with some vivid dreams, you’re not alone.